Bones STF Greenwood v5 52mm 99a Skateboard Hjul
Nu med en mer allround 99a hårdhet. Flatspot-fria hjul.
Street Tech Formula™ (STF) is specifically engineered from top quality components to obtain all the best properties necessary for the ultimate in street wheel performance.
BONES® WHEELS has created a wheel with a substantially higher rebound for more speed and amazing slide capabilities while maintaining a resistance to flat spotting well beyond any standard wheel. The technology behind STF is proven. The results speak for themselves.
Hype is hype, “quality” is for real. Try Street Tech Formula™ wheels on your next setup and see for yourself.
Bones Wheels är ett Amerikanskt skateboard företag som startades av George Powell samma som startade Powell Peralta. Det fanns redan på marknaden "mjuka hjul" men George
ville göra dem bättre, med bättre urethan.
Sveriges äldsta och mest fullsorterade Skateboard-, snowboard- och tricksparkcykelbutik, som har kärlek till alla Actionsporter. Adress: Kornettvägen 2, 237 41 Borgeby Sverige
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